How To Cite Video Games Using APA Citation

APA Citation in Video Games


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If you’re a student, researcher, or writer who needs to cite video games using APA Citation in your academic papers or articles, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog, we will walk you through the basics of formatting reference entries, in-text citations, and footnotes for video games in APA Style 7th Edition. We will also provide you with tips and guidelines for citing online video games, as well as mobile apps from the App Store and Google Play Store. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to properly cite video games in your work, ensuring accuracy and credibility. Let’s dive in!

Understanding the Basics of APA Citation for Video Games

In recent years, video games have gained recognition as valuable sources in academic research papers. As a result, it has become essential for students, researchers, and writers to understand how to properly cite video games in APA format.

How to Cite a Video Game in APA

The American Psychological Association (APA) has specific rules and guidelines for citing video games. When citing a video game, it is important to include the following elements in the citation:

  1. The rightsholder’s name: This refers to the individual or organization that owns the rights to the video game.
  2. The year of publication: This is the year in which the video game was released.
  3. The title of the video game: This is the name of the game.
  4. The version: This refers to the specific version of the video game, if applicable.
  5. The location of the producer: This is the location where the video game was produced.
  6. The name of the producer: This is the name of the company or individual that produced the video game.

A reference entry citation for a video game in APA format follows the structure below:

Rightsholder’s Name. (Year of Publication). Title of the Video Game (Version) [Video game]. Location of the Producer: Name of the Producer.

For example:

Epic Games. (2017). Fortnite Save the World (PC Version) [Video game]. Burbank, CA: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.

In-text citations for video games can be done using parenthetical citations or by using the last name of the rightsholder. For parenthetical citations, include the last name of the rightsholder or the full name if it is a company at the end of the sentence. For example: “The year 2017 saw a great deal of publication of video games, with Fortnite Save the World being among the most celebrated by fans (Epic Games, 2017).”

Properly citing video games is crucial for maintaining academic integrity and giving credit to the original creators. By following the APA citation guidelines, students, researchers, and writers can ensure that their use of video games as sources is recognized and respected in their scientific studies.

How to Format Reference Entries for Video Games in Edition

Now that we understand the importance of formatting reference entries for video games in Edition, let’s dive into the specific guidelines for creating accurate and appropriate reference entries.

APA Citation in Video Games

The 7th Edition of APA Style introduced updated guidelines for citing video games in reference entries. These guidelines are crucial for maintaining academic integrity and providing proper credit to the original sources. By following the correct format, readers can easily locate and access the sources used in academic writing.

To format reference entries for video games in Edition, there are specific elements that need to be included. These elements include the game title, game developer, and platform. Additionally, it is important to provide the year of release, location, and publisher.

It is worth noting that the format for reference entries for video games in Edition differs from previous editions. Staying up to date with the latest guidelines ensures that your reference entries are accurate and in line with current standards.

How To Cite Movie Titles In Text Apa

Properly formatting reference entries for video games not only demonstrates attention to detail but also enhances the credibility and professionalism of academic writing. Adhering to the guidelines set forth by Edition shows a commitment to academic standards and provides a clear structure for citing video games.

By familiarizing yourself with the new guidelines, you can save time and ensure accuracy in your academic writing. It is always recommended to consult the APA Style Manual or online resources for specific examples and guidance when formatting reference entries for video games.

In the next section, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to format reference entries for video games in Edition, including examples and tips for citing different types of video games.

In-Text Citations and Footnotes: Properly Citing Video Games in Your Paper

Properly citing video games in academic papers is essential for maintaining academic integrity and giving credit to the original creators. In-text citations and footnotes are two common methods of citing sources in academic writing, and they can be used effectively to cite video games as well.

APA Citation in Video Games

When citing a video game, it is important to include the title, the developer or publisher, and the year of release. This information helps readers locate and verify the source. In-text citations should be used when directly quoting or paraphrasing information from a video game. For example, if you are referencing a specific line of dialogue or a gameplay mechanic, you should include an in-text citation to acknowledge the source.

Footnotes can be used to provide additional information or context about the video game being cited. This can include details about the version number, the platform it was released on, or any relevant background information. Footnotes are particularly useful when there is a need to provide more extensive information that might disrupt the flow of the main text.

It is important to follow the citation style guide specified by your instructor or institution when citing video games. Different citation styles, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago style, have specific guidelines for citing sources, including video games. Make sure to consult the appropriate style guide to ensure your citations are formatted correctly.

If you are having trouble with citing video games or any other aspect of your paper, the Writing Center at Bridgewater College is available to help. They can assist you with formatting your papers, including proper citations for video games. To schedule an appointment for assistance, you can email the Writing Center at

Remember, citing video games properly is not only a matter of academic integrity but also a way to acknowledge and respect the work of the original creators. By following the guidelines for in-text citations and footnotes, you can ensure that your paper is well-researched and properly documented.

Citing Online Video Games: Tips and Guidelines in APA Format

Citing online video games can be a daunting task for students, researchers, and writers due to the unique nature of the medium. However, following APA format guidelines can help ensure accuracy and consistency in your citations.

When citing online video games, it is important to include key components such as the title of the game, the version or edition if applicable, the platform or device it was played on, and the name of the developer or publisher. These details provide important context for the citation.

APA Citation in Video Games

For online multiplayer games, it is also important to include the server or realm name and the URL or DOI of the game. This helps readers access the specific instance of the game that you are referencing.

In-text citations for online video games should include the game title in italics and the year of publication or release. If the game does not have a specific publication or release date, use “n.d.” (no date) instead.

In the reference list, including the URL or DOI is crucial for online video game citations. This allows readers to easily access the game and verify the information you have cited.

When citing downloadable content (DLC) or expansion packs, be sure to include the DLC title, the word “DLC” in brackets, and the name of the base game. This provides clarity and distinguishes the additional content from the main game.

Consistency in formatting is key when citing online video games. Follow APA guidelines for capitalization, punctuation, and italics to maintain a professional and standardized citation style.

It is important to note that different academic institutions or instructors may have additional requirements or variations for citing online video games in APA format. Always check with your instructor or refer to the specific guidelines of your academic institution to ensure you are meeting all the necessary requirements.

By following these tips and guidelines, you can accurately and effectively cite online video games in APA format, ensuring that your research is supported by reliable and properly credited sources.

APA Citation for Mobile Apps: Citing Video Games from the App Store and Google Play Store

Properly citing mobile apps, including video games, is essential for students, researchers, and writers in order to give credit to developers and provide readers with the ability to locate and access the app being referenced. In line with the APA citation style, there are specific guidelines for citing mobile apps from sources such as the App Store and Google Play Store.

When citing a video game from the App Store using APA format, it is important to include the game title, developer, and release year. Additionally, it may be beneficial to include additional information such as the platform (iOS or Android) and version number in the citation.

Similarly, when citing a video game from the Google Play Store, the APA citation format requires including the game title, developer, and release year. Additional information such as the platform and version number can also be included.

Failure to properly cite mobile apps can have serious consequences, including plagiarism and academic dishonesty. It is important to adapt APA citation guidelines to changes and advancements in the mobile app industry, as new apps and platforms continue to emerge.

Fortunately, there are online tools and resources available to assist with generating accurate APA citations for mobile apps. These tools can help ensure that the necessary information is included in the citation and that it follows the correct format.

In summary, citing mobile apps, including video games from the App Store and Google Play Store, is crucial for giving credit to developers, providing access to the referenced app, and avoiding plagiarism. By following the APA citation guidelines and utilizing available resources, researchers and writers can accurately cite mobile apps while adapting to the ever-evolving mobile app industry.

To Conclude

Mastering APA citation for video games is essential for students, researchers, and writers who want to produce accurate and credible work. By following the guidelines and tips provided in this comprehensive guide, you can confidently cite video games in your academic papers and articles. Whether you’re referencing a console game, an online video game, or a mobile app, the Edition offers clear instructions on how to format reference entries, in-text citations, and footnotes. By properly citing video games, you demonstrate your commitment to academic integrity and ensure that your sources are easily accessible to readers. So, don’t overlook the importance of APA citation for video games and make use of this guide to enhance the quality of your research and writing.


  • How to Cite a Video Game in APA: Main Aspects with Examples – Wr1ter
  • Computer software, games & apps – APA 7th Referencing Style Guide
  • Citing Your Sources in APA Style – FILA 150 Video Games Class Guide – Forrer Learning Commons Library Services at Bridgewater College
  • How to Cite Software in APA Style – APA Style 6th Edition Blog
  • How to Cite a Mobile App – APA Style 6th Edition Blog

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