Best Fiction Book Series In 2024

Best fiction book series


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Are you a bibliophile? Do you love fiction books, especially the ones that have other parts attached to them, just like Harry Potter? Then you are in for a long ride. Best fiction book series is a comprehensive article that dives into the fiction world bringing strings of fiction books you would love. 

Do you know the best part? It’s updated to suit your test in 2024. I bet there are lots and lots of reasons why you love books, Best fiction book series is definitely bringing you intriguing sets of fiction series you would be glad to check out.

In this article, we take a look at the Best fiction book series for adults. If you are also here just to explore with no real knowledge of what a fiction book is, you have no problem at all. We will satisfy your curiosity. You will find out what fiction books are and the criteria for selecting the Best fiction book series.  We are sure you are not leaving this site without taking at least one book with you.


What are fiction books

Fiction books are books, stories, or texts written based on the author’s imagination. There are no real characters in this book. Fiction books are for entertainment not for information like non-fiction books.

Fiction books give authors and writers a way out to pen down their imaginations, construct words that they may have wished to read, or just reach out to others through imaginary characters.

A few times, Fiction books are not restricted to stories.

Criteria for selecting the best fiction book series

A lot of readers love to select books based on certain reasons. They do not just pick a book, love the cover, love the title, and automatically decide to read the said book. Most readers love to search for specific things before selecting these books. The same applies to fiction lovers. Below are some of these criteria;

  • Genre: Genre, in literature, is a writing defined by the style, content, and form. Most readers choose the books to read by these means. There are a lot of genres and they include, fiction, nonfiction, romance, fantasy, horror, etc.

So you can go pick up a book and decide first that you want to read a book whose content, style, and form is horror. Likewise, a person wanting to pick the best fiction series will definitely go for a book in the fiction genre. Lots of people do not read books on all genres, so you have got to choose the genre that best suits you.

  • Author: An author is a person who has some or a piece of written work either in print or online. While some authors are our favorites, others are not. Authors are a criterion for choosing books for premium enjoyment. Authors bring stories and books to life with their writing style, tone/voice, ability to create memorable characters, and ability to keep readers hooked.

Some authors are chosen based on these facts while others are known and chosen for their intricate plot, and the rest are chosen because of their vivid descriptions. A fiction lover must ascertain what author is best for them and go for it if they want to get the best fiction series.

  • Plot summary: Plot summary is a necessary criterion for choosing the best fiction series or any book at all. Plot summary is a brief overview/synopsis of the book/story. It should give the readers what to expect without giving out too much.

A good plot summary could include the character (main character at least), setting, and conflict. It should show the structure of the story and what is expected of this story. It is like the trailer of the book. Plot summary is an essential criterion because it lets you in on what you would see inside this book thereby, saving you from getting a book that you wouldn’t enjoy. A good plot summary should satisfy a fiction reader looking for the Best fiction book series.

  • Length: This is the size/span of a book. It could be short or lengthy. Some readers prefer short stories, while others prefer lengthy ones. It is considered a necessary criterion because when you prefer to read lengthy books/stories you are more likely to finish this lengthy book in a few days and if you dislike short books you will stay on it for days despite it being a short book.

One of the many reasons why the length of a book/series should be considered is because it can affect how the plot develops and how much time the reader is willing to invest in the story. The longer series tend to have more complex plots and character development, and are epic series,  while shorter series can be more fast-paced, to the point, and concise series.

  • Reviews: Reviews are critiques/appraisals of people about something like a product, book, movie, person, etc. People love to hear the testimony of others. They love to know what others think of this thing and then take their next course of action from there. Reviews can be positive or negative, but positive review is the main deal.

A lot of people who buy books from Amazon go through the reviews of the rest of the people who already have these books. Reading through a review can help you determine if the book is worth reading or not. It helps you see the general idea of others.

  • Availability: The availability of a book is an important factor to consider before selecting a book or any fiction series. Books are made available in print and online. Before you select a book you must be sure it is available in your area or online. Missing out on this detail could cause you disappointment.

Best fiction series for adults in 2024

Below, we are going to talk about Best fiction book series for adults that has been released in 2024. There are few here but a detailed synopsis has been attached.

While you go ahead to read, I’d love to inform you that there are books with expected dates of release and if you’d like to read about them. Drop a comment.

“The Storm We Made: A Novel” by Vanessa Chan

Do you love reading books on war and colonization? This book written by Vanessa is for you. It is a book that tells about the horrors of war, and the relationship between the colonized and the oppressed, it is set in Malaysia and offers family saga and espionage. It spans through years of pain and triumph of four unforgettable characters. It is an interesting novel published on 2nd January 2024 on Amazon. 

A storm we made

The story talks about Cecily Alcantara who was desperate to be more than just a housewife to a low-level bureaucrat in British-colonized Malaya. A meeting with General Fujiwara leads her into a life of espionage. She helps bring in brutal occupation by the Japanese and Ten years later while the war reaches its apex, her actions catch up with her and her family. Now her family is on the brink of destruction.

Her fifteen-year-old son, Abel, has disappeared, and her youngest daughter, Jasmin, is confined in a basement to prevent being pressed into service at the comfort stations. Her eldest daughter Jujube, who works at a tea house frequented by drunk Japanese soldiers, becomes angrier by the day.

Cecily knows two things: that this is all her fault; and that her family must never learn the truth.

“The Heiress” by Rachael Hawkin

If you love gothic suspense, this is a must-read. This is a suspense thriller that makes mention of secrets and wealth, it is also set in North Carolina. Racheal Hawkins is one of the best when suspense is involved, A review by Heather Gudenkauf, New York’s Times best-selling author said, “The author is the reigning queen of suspense”.

The heiress

This book is about Ruby McTavish Callahan Woodward Miller Kenmore who upon her death was North Carolina’s richest woman and a very notorious one. She was a victim of a famous kidnap as a child and also mysteriously a widow four times over. Before her death, she ruled the small town of Tavistock from Ashby House, her family’s estate high in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Heather Gudenkauf review

After her death, her adopted son, Camden wants nothing to do with the house or money, and even the other surviving Mctavishes, and instead settles into a normal life as an English teacher in Colorado rejecting his inheritance. He marries Jules, who also has a messy past to escape.


Camden’s uncle’s death, ten years later pulls him and his wife, Jules back into the Ashby’s house where the legacy of Ruby is inescapable. As the Ashby house tightens its hold on Camden and Jules, Questions about the Late North Carolina’s richest woman begin to surface, and discoveries are being made far beyond the grave.


“First Lie Wins” by Ashley Elston

Who does not love a great story with a good twist and suspense? “First lie wins” offers you everything and more. It’s a suspense thriller with a good twist. It’s a story with a cat-and-mouse game plot. It is set in the south. This story has lots and lots of amazing reviews on Amazon.

First lie wins

It is a story about Evie Porter who has everything nice a girl would want: a perfect, doting boyfriend, Ryan Summer, a house with a white picket fence and a garden, and a fancy group of friends. Except Evie Porter does not exist.

Evie Porter/Lucca is given a job by Mr. Smith, her mysterious boss. Her identity is changed, She’s given a name and location. She learns everything there is about the town and the people in it. Then a target: Ryan Summer.

Trouble bursts, Evie Is falling for her target

And the major problem appears—her real identity. Her real identity just walked right into town. Evie Porter must stay one step ahead of her past while making sure there’s still a future in front of her. The stakes are high–but then, Evie has always liked a challenge…

“Family Family” by Laurie Frankel

Are you all for family? Laurie Frankel tells a family story containing adoption and parenthood. It’s a read you wouldn’t want to miss out on. Published on January 22, 2024 on Amazon.

Family family

India Allwood grew up wanting to be an actor. She goes from awkward sixteen-year-old to Broadway ingenue to TV superhero. Her new movie is a prestige picture about adoption, but its spin is the same old tired story of tragedy.

However, India is an adoptive mom in real life. She wants everyone to know there’s more to her family than pain and regret. So she does something you should never do — she tells a journalist the truth: it’s a bad movie.

Pretty soon she’s at the center of a media storm, battling accusations from the press and the paparazzi, from protesters on the right and advocates on the left. Her twin ten-year-olds know they need help – and who better to call than family? But that’s where it gets really messy because India’s not just an adoptive mother…

“BeautyLand” by Marie-Helene Bertino

BeautyLand is a traditional Sci-fi story about aliens published on 16th January on Amazon. If you love some Science fiction elements, then you would love this. It is a story of coming of age.


Adina Giornio is born to a single mother in Philadelphia, at the moment when Voyager 1 is launched into space carrying its famous golden record. Adina is born a baby of unusual perception, she is tiny and jaundiced. As a child, she recognizes that she is different: She possesses knowledge of a faraway planet. The arrival of a fax machine enables her to contact her extraterrestrial relatives, beings who have sent her to report on the oddities of Earthlings.

For years, as she moves through the world and makes a life for herself among humans, she dispatches transmissions on the terrors and surprising joys of their existence. Then, at a precarious moment, a beloved friend urges Adina to share her messages with the world. Is there a chance she is not alone?


Best fiction book series talks about books, good books which we have recommended for you. If you love fiction, then you bet you do not want to miss out on this. Fiction is a beautiful genre and is worth checking out.

We list just a few of the fiction books already released this year because as promised we want to keep you updated and we have also given a detailed synopsis for this few. We know you are thrilled to try out these amazing books.

Would you love to read about anticipated fiction series for 2024?

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