8 Nigerian Lunch Ideas For Every Home

Nigerian Lunch Ideas


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Are you thinking of what to have for lunch and can’t seem to have any idea what to settle for? Then you’re at the right place because I am here to help you find the best lunch in this curated list of 8 Nigerian lunch ideas.

Nigerian cuisine is popular for its tasty and spicy dishes. From the nutritious carbs and proteins to the small chops as we commonly refer to snacks.

This array of Nigerian lunch ideas with must have ingredients will appeal to your taste buds and leave you satisfied any day.

1. White Rice and Stew:

White Rice & Stew – Nigerian lunch ideas
White Rice and Stew

Of course, this just had to top the list. White rice and stew is the signature Nigerian food. In case you’re struggling with deciding on what to eat for lunch, white rice and stew is a perfect idea. Either you have it at home cooked or you eat it at a restaurant. You can enjoy your meal with fish or meat depending on what you like.

2. Jollof Rice:

Jollof Rice - Nigerian lunch ideas
Jollof Rice

Jollof Rice is another perfect meal to have for lunch. Jollof Rice stands out any day any time. It is one of the most loved and popular Nigerian delicacies that can be enjoyed for lunch. Jollof Rice is very satisfying especially when you have it with salad or coleslaw.

3. Okra Soup:

Okra Soup | Nigerian lunch ideas
Okra Soup

For my solid food lovers, okra soup is a nice lunch idea. I prefer to combine my Okra with Ogbono and Ugwu, I find the combination more tasty. The end product will leave you satisfied. And of course, Okra soup is nutrient-rich. Enjoy your draw soup with any swallow of your choice.

4. Onugbu soup (bitter leaf soup):

Ofe onugbu - Nigerian lunch ideas
Onugbu soup

Ofe Onugbu or bitter leaf soup is another great lunch idea. One good thing about Nigerian meals especially the soups so that they usually contain a good portion of vegetables making it nutrient packed and healthy. Onugbu goes with any swallow so feel free to combine it with your preferred swallow.

5. Efo Riro (vegetable soup):

Efo Riro (Nigerian Stewed Greens) - Nigerian Lunch ideas, Vibe droid
Efo Riro

Efo Riro or vegetable soup is a healthy lunch idea. It is usually prepared with different varieties of vegetables making it healthy and nutritious for the body. Efo Riro is perfect for lunch with your preferred swallow.

6. Noodles and egg:

Noodles and Eggs | Vibe droid
Noodles and Eggs

If you’re looking for fast food to have for lunch then noodles are always available for you. Noodles go with any combination of your choice the most common are noodles and egg which is balanced as the egg provides you with the basic protein you need in your meal.

7. Plantain and eggs:

Chips, fried plantain & fried eggs -  Nigerian Lunch Ideas - Vibe Droid
Chips, fried plantain & fried eggs Recipe by Andrea(Delish Cuisine)

Plantain and eggs are a very good lunch combo. It’s healthy and of course, doesn’t take so much time to prepare. So yes you can have plantain and eggs for lunch and it is very satisfying.

8.  Small chops/snacks:

small-chops | nigerian lunch ideas, Nigerian food - Vibe Droid
Small Chops (snacks)

If you do not want to have solid food for lunch or you don’t feel so hungry then small chops are the perfect go-to for lunch. You can have meat pie, fish roll, chinchin, egg roll, buns and so on for lunch. You can step it down with zobo or your preferred drink and of course, you will be satisfied.


The above-listed Nigerian lunch ideas are just a few of the many varieties available. Nigerian cuisine has always been a delight. Each Nigerian meal listed has its unique taste and aroma. Explore the Nigerian cuisine of different flavours and aromas. 

Are you looking for dinner ideas to try out? Read about the Food For Dinner In Nigeria. I hope this article was helpful to you in deciding what to have for lunch. Please leave your thoughts in the comment.

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